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Whats New @ Digium
등록일 : 2008-10-23 조회 : 178,465
SkypeTM for Asterisk®
Digium®, creator and primary developer of Asterisk®, the leading open source telephony platform, and SkypeTM, the leading global Internet communications company, has announced the beta version of Skype for Asterisk, which will allow the integration of Skype functionality into Digium\'s Asterisk software and enable customers to make, receive, and transfer Skype calls from within their Asterisk phone systems. Read More

Sign up for the second phase of the Skype for Asterisk Beta Program today!

Digium|Asterisk World®
Digium and Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) have partnered to host Digium|Asterisk World during Internet Telephony Conference & Expo East. The event will be held February 2-4, 2009 at the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Entering its third year, Digium|Asterisk World at ITExpo will be the conference that addresses \"Everything Asterisk\" for business users, resellers, and executive decision-makers. Read More

Digium® Introduces Asterisk Fast Start
Beginnning in October, Digium is offering a new Asterisk training course - Asterisk Fast Start. The entry-level course provides an introduction to Asterisk, telephony, and the Linux environment, making the world\'s most widely used open source telephony software more accessible than ever before. Read More

Learn more about Digium Asterisk Fast Start, or any of Digium\'s offered courses today!

Digium\'s 2008 Innovation Award Winners
Deployments of Asterisk, the open source telephony platform, provide cost-effective, flexible, and scalable support for telcos, SMBs, government agencies, and one-of-a kind applications. Digium is proud to announce the winners of the 2008 Digium Innovation Awards. The Innovation Awards recognize innovation, enterprise-class solutions, measurable return on investment, and use of Asterisk in businesses outside of the communications industry. Read More

If you are an Asterisk innovator, you are invited to participate in the 2009 competition. Submit your application today!

AstriConTM 2008 was an overwhelming success!
Thanks to everyone who attended, spoke, and exhibited at AstriConTM 2008. We hope you\'re already making plans to attend next year\'s event! Read More

In the meantime, check out the AstriCon 2008 pictures and be sure to upload some of your own! Stay tuned for updates and announcements about AstriCon 2009.

Tooting Our Own Horn!
Digium has been positioned in the Visionaries quadrant of Gartner\'s Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony report. The evaluation is recognition by one of the world\'s best-known research firms and is further proof of Digium\'s undisputed leading role in the open source telecom industry. Read More

Best of Show Award goes to Switchvox®
Switchvox® SMB 3.5, the latest version of the most widely used telephony system based on Asterisk, has received the \"Best of Show Award\" in the \"Best of Open Source\" category at Technology Marketing Corporation\'s Internet Telephony Conference and Expo West 2008. Read More

Ecosystem news
In August 2008, Digium announced that it now offers \"Allison voice\" text-to-speech software. Read More

In September 2008, Digium announced that Camrivox Ltd, a Unified Communications innovator and developer of Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) software for the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) market, has joined the Digium Technology Partnership Program. Read More

Also in September, Digium and Telrex, provider of the award-winning CallRexTM suite of IP call recording and call center optimization solutions, announced that the CallRex ProfessionalTM call recording and monitoring solution has earned the designation of \"Digium|Asterisk Certified\" for Asterisk Business EditionTM. Read More

In October 2008, Digium announced that Switchvox has been certified to work with BroadSoft\'s BroadWorks® VoIP application platform. Read More

번호 제목 등록일 조회
55 '무료 국제전화 16885959' 불황속 호황 2009-03-18 3307
54 (주)에스비인터랙티브‥기업형 인터넷전화로 업무 효율 증대 2009-02-23 3799
53 에스비인터랙티브, 인터넷 전화 공급 순풍 2009-02-13 4210
52 '휴대폰 무료 국제전화 16885959' 영화티켓 증정 이벤트 2009-02-12 2190
51 똑똑한 e테크로 기축년 부자∼되세요 2009-02-03 4657
50 전화비 무서운 기러기 가족 무료국제전화 있어 걱정 끝 2009-02-03 2746
49 휴대폰 무료 국제전화 16885959 사용 증가로 인한 회선 증설 2009-02-03 2854
48 "1688-5959, 선불카드보다 싸고 편하네" 2008-11-10 2430
47 에스비인터랙티브, 국내 통화료 수준 국제전화 출시 2008-11-10 2781
46 Release Asnterisk Now 1.5 2008-10-27 56891
Whats New @ Digium 2008-10-23 178465
44 에스비인터랙티브, 디지엄 아스테리스크로 IP PBX 시장 공격 ‘행보’ 2008-08-20 4875
43 아스테리스크 부트 캠프, 7월 국내 첫 개최 2008-06-20 3106
42 내달 21일 국내 첫 '아스테리스크' 캠프 2008-06-20 4818
41 오픈소스SW 교환기 부트캠프 열린다 2008-06-19 2531
40 에스비인터랙티브, 아스테리스크 부트 캠프 개최 2008-06-19 3419
39 교환기도 오픈소스SW 바람 '솔솔~~' 2008-06-18 2143
38 에스비인터랙티브-美 디지엄 국내 첫 ATC 계약 체결 2008-06-16 2732
37 에스비인터랙티브, 아스테리스크 인증 시험 계약 2008-06-16 2224
36 에스비인터랙티브, 디지엄과 한국 최초 ATC 계약 체결 2008-06-13 2247
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